A data platform for cities and municipalities
to achieve their climate goals
Empower your city with AI & next-gen
climate tools
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Agile data processing for better action taking

Create and manage your City GHG Emissions Inventory

Use CityCatalyst as a hub where everyone in your team can access, track and complete climate information relevant for your city emissions inventory.

Explore the platform
Connect to different external sources
You can choose from our sources catalog to effortlessly complete your inventory’s information with validated and curated data providers
Obtain a GPC Compliant Report
Download a GHG Inventory report compliant with the industry standard methodology that you can share through the CDP-ICLEI track, communicate to your citizens or connect to other tools to develop Climate Action Plans
Keep your data integrated & safe
Add youdata to a database to complete the report either through manual input or uploading your files.
Support your journey
with climate intelligence
When in doubt, ask our virtual climate advisor: Clima. An AI model trained with the most relevant and curated tools and resources, ready to assist you every hour and every day.
Partners & Providers
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Discover the benefits of being an early Partner for CityCatalyst
or contact us at info@openearth.org

Be an early partner. Try our demo

Discover the benefits of being an early Partner of CityCatalyst.

Thank you for reaching out. We'll contact you as soon as we can.
or contact us at info@openearth.org
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